Tuesday, May 26, 2015 | By: daya12

My Pedagogical Agent

Pedagogical Agent. 

Do you have any idea what does that mean, sure you can always google for that word. But let me keep it short on what does pedagogical mean. Pedagogical Agent is an aid or a helper which mean a sort of replacement for a teacher or a tutor. Let me gives you an example of pedagogical agent, do you watch TV IQ, do you know Cikgu Arif the one that being a tutor for that educational channel. Cikgu Arif is an example of Pedagogical Agent for him being a virtual animated teacher. Mine is similar like Cikgu Arif but for my agent I call him Kyle as the name suit him. My agent is being used to teach disable children more like slow learner children and are focusing on mathematics.

 These children have a symptom called dyscalculia where they cannot differentiate or recognize the arithmetic structure like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division symbol. Just like we normally heard children who are having dyslexia which has disability to recognize letter. So my friend and I develop this courseware to help this children to make things easier to understand and develop their understanding towards the mathematical structure. Our agent are build with voice recognition system where it can detect he voice of the children as the agent will ask them to answer the question. 

This courseware is build with only a simple level multiplication table. After a few research has been done the voice recognition method is an applicable method to enhance the memory of the children and it is more attractive than other learning method. Children are usually having fun to play with this kind of thing and this might generate their brain and memory for a long term period. We have tried this courseware to several disable children and they are having fun with this software and make them remember the multiplication table in the easiest and fun way.

 How the courseware work: 

1) The user/ children will select to go through the tutorial or start exercise 

2) If they going trough the tutorial the agent will lead them through the tutorial but they can skip they want. If they are choosing to do the exercise then the agent will giving them an simple multiplication problem based on the table they learn and answer it through the voice recognition system then agent will response to the answer either right or wrong, if right they can proceed to another question, if wrong they need repeat the same question until they get it right. 

3) If they done they can exit the courseware/software with voice recognition or button exit.

 Thats a little bit about the courseware I've made but it did not fully utilize since there are few improvement need to be done.


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